We implemented the validation pilot of our proposal (2013-2016) in which we were accompanied and/or contracted by:

LATN Network identifies and develops ideas for change in Latin America through public policy research and interaction with academics, negotiators and members of civil society. To this end, the Network maintains an active program of events, including conferences, workshops and working meetings, among others (2014).

Reducing poverty, shaping sustainable development, addressing global risks: these are the objectives of Switzerland's international development cooperation, a cooperation implemented by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (2015-2016).

We established commercial agreements with:

Active Walls is a company whose value is technology and research. The company focuses its lines of action on research, development and innovation of environmental technologies, for their subsequent commercialization, thus bringing to the public technologies that until now were only used by industries and public administrations. Its product line achieves air decontamination in urban environments, houses, apartments, offices, factories, schools, hospitals, gyms and stores.

Supported us:

The ASA program (originally for work-study internships) is a non-profit, politically independent internship and development education program sponsored by Engagement Global gGmbH (on behalf of BMZ). The program was started in 1960 on the initiative of students and has been institutionalized over the years.

We participated in:


C4D is a network of communities where development actors collaborate around projects, share and discuss knowledge, promote ideas through crowdsourcing and work together to end extreme poverty and increase shared prosperity. Since March 2013 this Community of Practice (CoP) has allowed development actors, sector experts on different topics, to share experiences and lessons to improve the efficiency and impact of their services (We have been invited to participate in the 2nd High Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Hubs (Seoul, South Korea, May 2014) and in the 3rd. High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (Washington DC, United States, February 2016).

ConnectAmericas is the first business social network in the Americas dedicated to promoting foreign trade and international investment. ConnectAmericas will help SMEs strengthen their businesses by offering them access to communities of customers, suppliers and investors in the region and around the world, segmented by industry. ConnectAmericas is a non-profit initiative of the IDB (Our activities in Latin America have been verified by ConnectAmericas, and we receive support from the Inter-American Development Bank through its Nexso/IE Business School Program in Spain) (2016) .